
Make Your Listing Stand Out When Investing in Rehab Properties

With the real estate markets in limbo right now and competition high among real estate investors, having a listing that will stand out when investing in rehab properties can be the make or break difference.

Matt Stookey brings a different spin to this. Instead of merely rehabbing, he suggests a very specific type of rehabbing that could help your listing stand out when it is time to sell:

The major point that I am trying to get across is that in order to not drown amongst the massive amount of competition that is out there in your market, do something a little different (Greenhabbing) and try to stand out as the local Green Real Estate Investing expert. You want to learn and implement these strategies before everyone else is.

Now that the energy labeling act will require homeowners to receive an energy rating on their homes before they sell, it is crucial to have a good rating to attract the most potential buyers for your newly completed rehab or investment property. If all of the other factors are comparable with other homes in the same neighborhood, except your green home saves the end user $100+/month in energy bills and in a healthier living and breathing environment, your home will be the one of choice for many buyers.

While the Supply is still low with green homes in America, this presents a great opportunity for those of us that see it. The key is to take massive action and stand out from your competition by offering these high quality green homes as investment properties and personal homes. You can see all of the advantages that a green home presents the end buyer, now it’s time to offer it to them and let them know you are the local green expert in your local real estate market. (read the rest of the story here)

This is a novel approach, and definitely has some merit as this ‘greenhabbing’ can target a very specific and growing niche of buyers. In addition, it will set your property apart from all the others on the market.

With the emphasis these days on the environment, this could be a great niche for those investing in rehab properties. We specialize in financing these types of transactions, for more information please visit our rehab loans page. You may also find our rehab profit calculator of use.